Thursday, April 17, 2008


We spent Sunday night at Cain Garden Bay. There was a beautiful sunset that night, and the boat next to us took this picture of Mary Elizabeth. They actually took a series of shots that all came out stunning and were nice enough to get our email address so they could send us the pictures.

The boat was fixed (again) at Nanny Cay on Monday. We actually got to the marina late on Sunday night and were out of there by 12 noon on Monday thanks to Ann and Miles who always make things quick.

We left Nanny Cay and decided to go to Peter Island, a short 45 minute sail. Well we were about five minutes into our "trip" when it began to rain, rain, rain. The winds picked up (we saw 30 knots for a little while) and the visibility was literally nonexistent! Poor Bill got soaked (even though he had his foul weather gear on) since the rain was coming in sideways. It let up a little as we got to the anchorage and we successfully got on a mooring. Then it started again....

It literally poured all day. It was very strange! We played a few games of scrabble, hung out, cleaned the boat, etc. and stayed out of the rain. Monday night we experienced our first HUGE thunderstorm. There was lightning, thunder, pounding rain, LOTS of wind - for about three hours!

Tuesday morning was beautiful. The seas had calmed down and we had a nice ride out of the BVI. We had the easiest experience with customs and immigration EVER and the dinghy started with one pull on two different occasions! What was going on? :) We got to St. Thomas around 3:00.

Yesterday we spent hanging out, doing our standard errands (laundry, email, food shopping, etc.). There were four cruise ships in town - so everything was crowded and took twice as long. We also cleaned out and rearranged the "office." I actually found storage for things that we had stowed in there that we never use that were taking up valuable real estate - i.e. spare part kits, lots of off shore emergency stuff, linens for the beds, etc. I think we were both amazed at how much storage Mary Elizabeth has when we really started looking. So now the things that we do use regularly are easily accessible and there is actually room for Bill when he needs to use his tools.

I also did an inventory (the librarian in me) of where everything is so when we do need to find the sleeping bags or bimini connector or extra water filters we will both know exactly where to look.

We watched the Red Sox v Yankees game last night and today we are hanging out. It's really hot today and very sunny - beautiful as always. So that's about it. Our reservation at Yacht Haven is through Saturday morning. Not 100% sure where we are going from here.

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