Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Salem, MA

Bill and I left the dock at Marina Bay around 9 am on Tuesday. When we left Quincy, the weather was perfect - sunny, warm, calm seas, etc. When we got more and more into Boston Harbor, however, it became increasingly foggier and foggier. At one point Bill even turned on the radar. As we passed Deer Island, it looked like the big water tanks were floating out of the water. It was equally strange to see a 600 foot tanker emerge from the fog. The pictures I took (such as the one below) don't capture anything near what it looked like out on the water....
As we got closer to Marblehead the fog lifted but we experienced more and more clouds and the weather cooled off significantly. Bill had a fun time avoiding all of the lobster pots. They are literally everywhere.

We easily got a mooring in Salem Harbor, sort of in front of Pickerings. The mooring field is full, but there are hardly any other transients here. We had a lazy afternoon. I finally finished a book - the first time in at least a month! Around 3 o'clock, the skies got really dark and we had a huge thunderstorm. It pretty much rained the rest of the afternoon / evening. We did witness a spectacular sunset though. Bill and I cooked on board - we got creative with chicken curry and jasmine rice - and watched a movie. We are down to about two movies that we haven't seen more than three times....

The wind generator ran at almost full speed all through the night so our batteries are charged. Good thing since the generator still isn't working 100% (although we could always run the engine of course).

Today the plan is to take the water taxi into Salem and explore. It is a fairly nice day, so we are lucky.

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