Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bill and I decided to spend the morning on the boat sunning, reading and doing cross stitch. It was h-o-t and the breeze on the boat was perfect. Around lunchtime, we took the dinghy into shore and walked around a bit, stopping for a bite to eat. I also got my haircut.

While I was at the salon, Bill met Al who was on the mooring next to us on a beautiful Eastbay. When we got back to the boat we decided to take the dinghy and explore back into Katama Bay. The Bay, which is lined with the most incredible houses we have ever seen, goes back a lot further than we thought. Bill, Al, and I took the dinghy all the way to the cut between Edgartown and Chappaquiddick, beached the dinghy and walked around on the beautiful, desolate beach trying to figure out the difference between a quahog and a clam. We took our time coming back and had Al over for grilled pork and vegetables.
Bill and I tried to make reservations for Edgartown after we leave Nantucket so we could see a few of the things we missed, but were denied a mooring (they are full at the inn, supposedly) so we will probably head strait to Cuttyhunk and then Block Island.
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