Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Newburyport, MA

Well, we have spent the past few days exploring and enjoying Newburyport. Yesterday we took a long dinghy ride from the marina all the way to the Chain Bridge. There are some beautiful homes tucked away on the Merrimac.
Bill had been searching for over a year for a half hull for the boat. We had the perfect spot to hang it all picked out but could never find quite the right one. Well, yesterday we found an amazing store right here in Newburyport that had several handmade half hulls for sale. Our search is over. Bill and I are very happy with the latest addition to the boat.
We have spent time walking around downtown and on the boardwalk. There are so many neat shops, restaurants, and different stores selling all sorts of stuff. The sidewalks are all brick, and there are parks everywhere. Today we had a nice visit from Nana and Beeb who saw the boat for the first time. Afterward, Bill and I went back to Agave, a Mexican restaurant downtown, for some more guacamole and chips. If you ever make it to Newburyport (and you should!) Agave is a definite must.

Bill and I had a nice dinner with my Uncle Jon at Michael's Harborside tonight after Jon visited the boat and got the tour. And afterwards we watched the Red Sox lose (again) to Tampa. It was painful.

The weather has been OK. It has mostly been nice in the mornings and stormy / rainy in the afternoons.

Oh, and Bill fixed the AC problem. He figured out that something was clogging one of the through holes so he actually forced it out with water from the garden hose. Success!