Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The big move is done!!!

Well, we have had a whirlwind of a few days..... After a heartbreaking Redskins loss to the Rams on Sunday, we picked Amy and Allison up at the airport late Sunday night. Monday morning Bill, Amy, Allison and I drove to Alexandria, picked up the Uhaul and got going..... We moved about 30 boxes, a bed, desk, and bedroom furniture. After lunch in Old Town Alexandria, Amy and Allison were on their way. They drove back to Boston Monday afternoon. We were feeling a little nostalgic being at the Alexandria waterfront for one last time (for awhile anyway).

Bill and I stayed in Alexandria both Monday and Tuesday night and spent two days packing up the 10 boxes or so we are keeping in storage (mostly pictures, etc.) cleaning up the condo, painting the walls, etc. We rented a Uhaul today and did the final move. We successfully fit all our stuff in a 5x5x5 unit.

And tonight we are glad to be back on the boat. We have pizza and a movie to look forward to and tomorrow we are meeting Joe and Nancy for the power boat show!!!

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