Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Since the boat isn't leaving anytime soon because of weather, I am actually flying to Bermuda early tomorrow morning to see Bill. Everyone says Bermuda is absolutely beautiful and I am really excited to see Bill (it's been two weeks!) and explore a new place. Plus it will be nice to be able to assist with some of the boat maintenance so Bill doesn't have to do everything solo. I'll fly to Boston on Tuesday, which is when the Mary Elizabeth and crew will hopefully be leaving for Cape Cod.
I had a really nice day yesterday at the Bunche Library where my lovely colleagues had an amazing surprise waiting after we returned from lunch. It was a nice afternoon catching up with everyone. I will post some pictures soon.
Bill and seven other guys from the "stranded fleet" went golfing today. The winds are still strong, but there was only a little rain. He said it was a nice departure from hanging out on the boat fixing stuff.
We finally broke down and got an air card which will give us access to wi fi wherever we are able to pick up a phone signal (thanks Cindy for the info!) It will be a lot easier than trying to "steal" a signal or pay each time we need wi fi. And we'll always be connected. It is amazing how dependent we have become on email...


Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

Hi, Lauren & Bill! Glad to hear that things are going well. I sent you all some pics today via Snapfish.... We have a good number of the Mary Elizabeth at the start of the race that you can check out.

Enjoy Bermuda! Procrastinating at work wishing I was still in warmer weather. Your blog is a nice distraction. :)

Cindy (from Vahalla)