Sunday, May 25, 2008

Latest email from Bill from Sunday afternoon

...Beautiful, sunny day today with winds still not in the right direction and now dying. We motor sailed all night but now we are bucking some sort of current that is keeping our speed down to 8 knots. I'm predicting Gulf Stream entry about 6 tonight. Hopefully they're correct in predicting the light winds because it can get nasty if the north winds are working against the current flowing north. A couple of interesting tidbits of our (so far) monotonous life...we had dolphins again yesterday three times but not anywhere near as many and as long as our previous visit. Also, after not having seen any vessels at all (even on radar or AIS) for a day and a half, we had a cargo vessel and cruise ship all converge in about a 4 mile radius today. Last night Ross whipped up the salad he was talking about and it was delicious. It's so funny how something we take for granted tastes so much better when you're out here. Well, that's about it except there's supposed to be a cold front moving through the Newport/Cape area on Tuesday with strong winds and thunderstorms. Nice! Have fun docking in that! Maybe they'll be wrong about that too....

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