Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Half way there...

I received a short phone call from Bill last night. Besides a few things that have been broken during the passage, and a few bouts of sea sickness, Mary Elizabeth and her crew are holding up well. They have been sailing the whole time and are averaging between 6 and 7 knots. You can see their positions via Google Maps here. They passed the 1/2 way point last night. They should arrive in Bermuda on Thursday.

St. Croix continues to be amazing. Yesterday Kerry, Abigail and I did some errands and saw more of this beautiful island. Last night we went to dinner for Cinco de Mayo and had a nice evening with Kerry and Trent's friends.

Here is a picture of Ms. Abigail, 11 weeks old.

Kerry and Lauren at Point Udal, which is the Eastern most part of the United States.

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